Friday, January 14, 2011

She is loved...

I have written Ella a few letters over the last 17mos and always hesitate to write more. I hesitate because I can never find the right words to express just how much I love her. Each time I try to write, the words seem so trite in comparison to what I really feel inside. Tom and I try to show Ella each and everyday just how much we love her but at times I wonder will she ever really know, to the full extent, all this love I carry inside for her?
Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone and she says to me out of nowhere that being around Ella you can tell she is loved and has known no fear or bad in this world. My mom goes on to say that she can tell what an amazing job Tom and I are doing with Ella by just being around Ella and the confidence and happiness that baby exudes as she struts around.
Thanks mom, you cannot imagine how much that comment meant to me, to know Ella feels our love. Because whether it is through words or actions, in the end all that really matters is that Ella knows how much we love her because Oh is she loved....

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