Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This year.....

I have so many resolutions for this year, and for the rest of my life for that matter. Of course I have the typical eat healthier and exercise more goals but what Im learning as time goes on, is that in the long run, those are not whats most important. Time and Ella have taught me that what's most important is my family and knowing that I gave it my all to love them and never take a moment for granted.
So this year I vow to have a blast with you at home. I vow to love on you and your father as often as possible. I vow to remember what’s important and let slide what is not. I vow to show you and your father every day how much you mean to me.

So if I blog less it does not mean that I love Ella or Tom less but rather that Im taking the time to love them more.

A happy new year to all!

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