Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Since we spent the past week in Myrtle Beach with Grandma Joyce, Grandma Joanne came over yesterday to celebrate Mother's Day with us. We had a very relaxing day of hanging out at home, having a nice lunch, and playing outside.

I am so blessed to have Ella as my daughter. Each day I am amazed by the joys of motherhood.
I have written Ella yet another letter to go into her box that I will give her someday. This time that letter stays private between her and I.

Tom knew I had been wanting a pair of Tom's shoes. So for Mother's Day Ella and Tom bought me the Mother's Day special edition that says Tom's loves moms. I absolutely love them! We bought Ella a pair of Tom's a couple weeks back. Below are Ella and I new shoes!

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