Saturday, May 7, 2011

We are home!

Our last two days at the beach were Thursday and part of Friday.
Thursday morning Tom and I decided the three of us would rent bikes to ride on the beach.

Waiting on the bikes to be delivered to the condo...

Everyone stand back from the street, the bikes have arrived...

Im so excited to try out the bike!

Here we go!

Mommy goofing off!

Tom and I underestimated how difficult riding in the sand would be! We rode on the beach for awhile and then hit the road to continue our bike adventure. That is til Tom's back tire blew! We were disappointed our ride had to come to an end but were very happy that noone, especially Ella, was injured. Ella really loved riding in the bike. I have a bike and we have been wanting to buy a bike for Tom along with a bike seat as well as a trailer for Ella this summer. After our ride in Myrtle, I believe we will go ahead and make the purchase.

Thursday evening Tom and I had steak and lobster at Chestnut Hill which overlooks a lake/swamp with alligators, turtles, and snakes. The food was AMAZING and we really enjoyed our time alone for my birthday while Ella stayed back at the condo with grandma and paw paw.

Part of Friday we spent at the beach while the rest of the time was spent packing up for the drive home

One of Ella's favorite things about the beach was the puddles that formed after the tide went out later in the afternoon. The puddles were always nice and warm and typically just the right depth. She would literally squeal with delight as she ran through them, jumped in them, sat in them, or searched for shells.

We also discovered on vacation that Ella loves to sit and have her hair combed. Who would've thought considering how much she hates her hair to be messed with!

Even though we had a great week at the beach, we were glad to arrive home around 2am on Friday night. The time away with family was wonderful but vacation with an almost two year old can also be exhausting! We are blessed to have such a pleasant, happy, versatile little girl. We were worried about how she would sleep, do with the potty, and the drive there and back but were happy to find that we had nothing to worry about. She slept amazing (even with us in the same room as her pack and play each night). She typcially was so wore out each day that she asked for a nap in the afternoon (3 hour naps while we were there!) and asked for bed by 830 each night. She did awesome with the potty and did not have one accident even in a new and different place. The drive there she slept the entire way. The drive back we decided to leave around 2pm. She napped for two hours and then we were happy to find she played nicely with little to no complaints until she fell asleep at 930 and slept the rest of the way home.

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