Monday, May 23, 2011


We had planned on going to the zoo today with the Tash, Isla, and Ben Bowsher; however, it was storming this morning so we decided to head down to the Bowsher's house for a playdate. Of course as soon as we got down there the storms cleared and the weather ended up perfect. We still had a great time on our playdate. I got some adult chat time and
Ella got to see friends and new toys...

Ella showing baby Isla some toys...

She liked touching Isla's soft hair..(she did not like me holding Isla one bit though)

We walked to the park nearby

Laughing at each other...

She looks smitten :)

And Ben had to show Ella how to use his IPad...

We had some lunch and then headed home for nap. Thanks Bowshers for the time away from home!

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