Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We spent the morning at the Children's Museum of South Carolina. It rained this AM and we needed a bit of a break from the beach. The entire museum had interactive, hands on exhibits that were perfect for toddlers. Ella seemed to really enjoy herself and was go, go, go the entire time. Tom and I were impressed with what the museum had to offer and enjoyed ourselves as well. Of course my camera died about 15 minutes into our time there but I was still able to capture some photos!

Riding the school bus

Delivering the mail

Sorting shapes

Blowing bubbles (look how well she is able to blow bubbles!)

Cooking pizza

Posting the name of our pet on the board (we really miss winston this week!)

Playing the drums. The three colorful buttons to the left played music over the speaker. The red button was an island themed music which she continued to come back to and push, dance to the music, and play the drum

Ella and mommy posing as fireman and postman via daddy's cell phone

feeding clifford a bone via daddy's phone

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