Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Random Wednesday

These pictures have nothing to do with anything but they make me laugh, so why not?

On another random note, Ella's amazing memory never ceases to amaze me. Tonight at bedtime she said to me "you arent going to go away on a plane this weekend like you did before are you?" (in reference to Nebreaska over six months ago). I said no honey Im not. She said "Good cause when you flew away I just saw daddy and Winston and I never never never saw you, but now you're back again and I'm happy". I swear I couldn't love this kid anymore than I do

Monday, June 25, 2012

Little Fish

We're definitely getting our use of the neighborhood pool this summer. It's always nice when friends come along. Nicole and Madeline joined us tonight.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

36 weeks

I cannot believe I am down to my last month. While the baby probably will not get here for the next four weeks or more, I could go at anytime.

We have a few names picked up, but will not decide until she is here and we see her face. We've ordered some newborn size cloth diapers as well as Ella's old diapers can be converted to newborn size. At this point we plan to do a combination of cloth and disposable until she isn't pooping every two minutes like newborn breast fed babies do.

I'm hoping for a vaginal, unmedicated birth. At my 34 week ultrasound the baby weighed 5lbs and 4oz. She was in the 49.5 percentile so doesn't get more perfect than that. I talked to my OB at that visit regarding an unmedicated birth. We discussed what happens if I go past my due date as an induced birth can be longer and more painful and therefore more likely to require medication. The OB stated they do not like to go much past a week of your due date but would consider more close monitoring of the baby if we wanted to go past that.

I am really ready to meet this baby and see what she looks like. I am starting to get a little swelling from time to time. Nothing like it was with Ella and it actually goes away if I lay down. This baby CONSTANTLY has hiccups. I am talking 3 or more times a day. You can both see and feel them from the outside. A fetus having hiccups is just as annoying, if not more annoying, than having them yourself. I'm still feeling great with lots of energy at most times. I have noticed moments of increased irritability lately as well as sometimes my stomach is so tight it feels like it could burst. The baby is running out of room and the dragging of elbows, knees, and other body parts is often very painful.  Ella has started talking to the baby through my belly button. Tom told her the baby can hear her if she talks through my belly button.

With Ella's pregnancy I was so worried about having the nursery in perfect shape, every outfit she would ever need, the car seat installed weeks ahead of time, and my bag packed and ready to go. I have to admit I havent even finished organizing the nursery, the car seat is still sitting in the living room, and the hospital stuff is laid out but not packed. After having gone through it once, I realize all I need are some diapers, a few outfits, my boobs, and a few blankets.
I have actually been spending my time getting rid of stuff we don't need, organizing what we do need, and stocking up on the more important things. For example, I remember how after I had Ella it seemed like I never had enough pads. I was constantly running to the store for more, sending Tom out for more, for weeks and weeks and weeks. So I have started stocking up on them ahead of time. I have also asked my mom and my aunt Dawn to come next weekend and do a very thorough clean of the house. While I clean every weekend, I would love someone to wash windows, curtains, baseboards, the showers, etc. I also am putting a water proof pad under the sheets on my side of the bed today. While only 1 in 4 women's water break, I don't want some gushing mishap to ruin our fairly new king size mattress. I also am going to be stocking up on things like nursing tank tops and ugly, comfortable underwear. I also need to get my breast pump out, cleaned, and make sure its working before I am engorged. I learned the hard way last time and had to sprint out a few days after Ella was born to purchase the pump. Other than that I am trying to enjoy every single second of and taking advantage of Ella being an only child. Tom and I both are trying to spend as much quality, family, fun summer time with her as possible.

While I've stated several times in the past, this pregnancy started out as unplanned and not quite what we had in mind at the time. I have to say that Tom and I are both in a place now where we are really excited and ready for her to arrive. I'm not sure yet if this will be my last pregnancy or not. I've thought a lot about it, especially lately. It makes me really sad to think this could be the last time I feel this way. I am blessed to so easily get pregnant and so easily carry a baby. Not all women are that lucky. So for now, we will cherish what we have and sit back and wait for our newest family member to arrive.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer is Superb

Our day started off with a little trip to the pool. 

This afternoon Tom, Ella, and I walked over to Landen Lake for the 3rd annual Boat Parade.

They had the Kona Ice Truck there as well as a company making crepes and live music.

We sat by the lake and ate our ice while we watched the boats and kayaks.

They also had a rubber ducky regatta where the kids sat on the edge of the pool and kicked their feet to race the ducks across.

All wet after the regatta

Ella did a little hula hooping

And ball rolling

After all the outdoor fun today, I'm hoping to finally finish up the few last baby things. Organizing the nursery, installing the car seat, and packing the hospital bag. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cooling Down and Growing Up

Tonight Tom, Ella, and I walked to the pool after dinner. There were tons of kids there for her to play with. It's crazy to see how much she's growing up and in so many ways no longer needs us. There are lots of friends that she's made at the pool. Tonight she made a new one, a boy this time. She typically has no interest in making friends with boys. The moment they started playing together, we no longer served a purpose. She was swimming all around the pool with him. It makes me so proud to see her socialize and play so nicely. Using her manners and being a good friend. It makes me feel like we have done our job to raise a sweet, wonderful little girl. Yet at the same time it breaks my heart to see her begin to not need us.

This is them playing with their squirters. They were squirting each other and this is her in pure laughter, not yelling or crying.

On another note, I'm finally getting some swelling. Boo! Nothing like last pregnancy, yet.  I find the more I walk and the more active I am the better the swelling. Tonight walking to the pool and swimming actually helped the swelling go down. The water felt amazing.
Now time to sit on the couch and relax. This is literally the first night in weeks that I haven't brought work home with me

Monday, June 18, 2012

Life is a series of small moments....

Friday I took off work and we headed to Botkins to visit with Grandma, Paw Paw, Tonia, and Emma. We spent a majority of the day at the pool in St Marys. Friday evening Grandma, Paw Paw, Ella and I headed to St Marys lake for dinner at Behm's. Of course I took way to many pictures as we checked out the lake after dinner. 

In reality though, you can never really take too many photographs. Doesn't mean everybody cares about the photos you've taken but for me they capture everything about a moment and help seal that memory. I can look at a photo and know everything about that moment. What kind of mood I was in, what kind of mood Ella was in, where we were, how it felt to spend that time together....

It is also important to me that I capture moments with loved ones. They are photos I, as will Ella, cherish forever.

I love this one

I look ridiculous. Not sure what is with my expression in every.single.pic Ive taken since I became pregnant.

I'm not sure why but the ones of her and Paw Paw are some of my favorite pictures Ive ever taken. I guess because they are so natural, happy, and she loves him so much.

And since I was too lazy to do it yesterday, I want to say Happy Father's Day to Tom. I really could not ask for a better father for Ella. Before you have children you wonder how will it affect your marriage? I could have never imagined watching him with Ella would make me fall in love with him over and over again everyday. I said it yesterday on FB and Ill say it again today, being a family kicks the crap out of just being a married couple any day. We love you!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Super Saturday

What a great Saturday! I got all of my cleaning done Friday evening. It seriously feels amazing to start the weekend without a messy house hanging over your head.
This morning Jocelyn and Everett came up to head to the pool. There were a few other kids at the pool and they all had a great time playing together. After the pool Jocelyn, Everett, Ella, and I headed to Chik Fil A for some lunch and a little playland fun. Ella must be on a growth spurt because she ate 8 nuggets (chik fil a nuggets are only kind I allow her to eat), 8 NUGGETS and her whole bowl of fruit. She's never even eaten three whole nuggets!
Jocelyn and Everett headed home, Ella laid down for a nap, and I headed to a hot stone pedicure at Becoming Mom Spa. Tonight we had dinner at home then Tom, Ella, Winston, and I went for a walk.
I love summer. I love the fact that this pregnancy is going so well and I'm feeling so great. I love Saturdays that feel this perfect.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Visit

We got the pleasure of seeing my nephew, Adam, for a few hours yesterday. Ella was really excited to see him and of course had to show him everything of hers.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mom and Me Tea

I finally got the pictures from the Mom and Me Tea back on May 6th