Saturday, June 9, 2012

Super Saturday

What a great Saturday! I got all of my cleaning done Friday evening. It seriously feels amazing to start the weekend without a messy house hanging over your head.
This morning Jocelyn and Everett came up to head to the pool. There were a few other kids at the pool and they all had a great time playing together. After the pool Jocelyn, Everett, Ella, and I headed to Chik Fil A for some lunch and a little playland fun. Ella must be on a growth spurt because she ate 8 nuggets (chik fil a nuggets are only kind I allow her to eat), 8 NUGGETS and her whole bowl of fruit. She's never even eaten three whole nuggets!
Jocelyn and Everett headed home, Ella laid down for a nap, and I headed to a hot stone pedicure at Becoming Mom Spa. Tonight we had dinner at home then Tom, Ella, Winston, and I went for a walk.
I love summer. I love the fact that this pregnancy is going so well and I'm feeling so great. I love Saturdays that feel this perfect.

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