Monday, June 18, 2012

Life is a series of small moments....

Friday I took off work and we headed to Botkins to visit with Grandma, Paw Paw, Tonia, and Emma. We spent a majority of the day at the pool in St Marys. Friday evening Grandma, Paw Paw, Ella and I headed to St Marys lake for dinner at Behm's. Of course I took way to many pictures as we checked out the lake after dinner. 

In reality though, you can never really take too many photographs. Doesn't mean everybody cares about the photos you've taken but for me they capture everything about a moment and help seal that memory. I can look at a photo and know everything about that moment. What kind of mood I was in, what kind of mood Ella was in, where we were, how it felt to spend that time together....

It is also important to me that I capture moments with loved ones. They are photos I, as will Ella, cherish forever.

I love this one

I look ridiculous. Not sure what is with my expression in every.single.pic Ive taken since I became pregnant.

I'm not sure why but the ones of her and Paw Paw are some of my favorite pictures Ive ever taken. I guess because they are so natural, happy, and she loves him so much.

And since I was too lazy to do it yesterday, I want to say Happy Father's Day to Tom. I really could not ask for a better father for Ella. Before you have children you wonder how will it affect your marriage? I could have never imagined watching him with Ella would make me fall in love with him over and over again everyday. I said it yesterday on FB and Ill say it again today, being a family kicks the crap out of just being a married couple any day. We love you!

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