Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cooling Down and Growing Up

Tonight Tom, Ella, and I walked to the pool after dinner. There were tons of kids there for her to play with. It's crazy to see how much she's growing up and in so many ways no longer needs us. There are lots of friends that she's made at the pool. Tonight she made a new one, a boy this time. She typically has no interest in making friends with boys. The moment they started playing together, we no longer served a purpose. She was swimming all around the pool with him. It makes me so proud to see her socialize and play so nicely. Using her manners and being a good friend. It makes me feel like we have done our job to raise a sweet, wonderful little girl. Yet at the same time it breaks my heart to see her begin to not need us.

This is them playing with their squirters. They were squirting each other and this is her in pure laughter, not yelling or crying.

On another note, I'm finally getting some swelling. Boo! Nothing like last pregnancy, yet.  I find the more I walk and the more active I am the better the swelling. Tonight walking to the pool and swimming actually helped the swelling go down. The water felt amazing.
Now time to sit on the couch and relax. This is literally the first night in weeks that I haven't brought work home with me

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