Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

(I know this is late, time got away from me yesterday)

Dear Tom,
While I was pregnant you worried about the kind of father you would be. You said several times you had never been around kids and that you knew nothing about babies. I told you it would come natural, that we would learn together, that I would teach you what you did not know.
And then Ella came. The morning after she was born, while you were downstairs getting breakfast you text me that you had already almost cried several times that morning. Tears of happiness. I knew already that it was coming naturally.

Im amazed each day at how natural it is for you. You make it seem effortless.

You work so hard for Ella and I and you always hold her above anything else.
There have been many sleepless nights, nasty diapers, sickness, days of watching the same cartoon over and over. You bear it all with a smile on your face. I am not exaggerating when I say you have never complained about her nor have you ever become cross with her.

You are an amazing father Tom. And a blessing for the two of us. I could not have dreamed of a better father for Ella.

Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice as a father and know that nothing goes unnoticed.

And while you worried that you may not be a good enough father, I couldn't be more proud of the father you have become. And while I thought that there were things I would need to teach you about being a parent, it's you that I've learned so much about being a parent from.
We love you!

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