Monday, June 27, 2011

Museum Center Madness

Ella and I were tired of being cooped up in the house due to her illness last week and the rain we have had lately. We decided to head down to the museum center for a few hours and apparently everyone in Cincinnati had the same idea. There were tons of nasty parents and kids running crazy but Ella and I had fun none the less.

First she had to check out the fountain outside..

Inside she had to do some grocery shopping..
Climb through tunnels..
Play with the water table...
Pick up rocks...
Pay for her groceries...
Scoop sand into the dump truck...
wore a bag to pick up balls..
Delivered some mail...
She found this stuffed dog that a little girl stole from her. We had to search and search for the dog until she was once again reunited. She literally had to do everything with the dog until we left. I thought it was going to be very difficult for her to part with him until we found the vet section and she put him in the kennel til next time.
Here she is getting in the dog house with him...
Ella ate all her lunch in the cafe of the museum, one more stop at the foutain outside, then home for a nap.

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