Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summertime means...

that Ella and I went to Parky's farm today and had the absolute best time. She LOVED it. The two lambs and two baby calves are not pictured but she had to look at them over and over and over again. She didn't even seem to mind that the temp was scalding!

She loved riding the pony and did a great job sitting on the pony! This pony's name was Rosie...

Very interested in the roosters...

And surprisingly the roosters even let her pet them...

She enjoyed hanging out with the goats and watching the baby goats nurse..

Then there was this guy...

And this guy...(she actually ran away from the alpacas)

She had to ride Rosie a second time...

She loved the inside, two story play area...

Then it was time to head over to Parky's Ark spray park for some lunch and to cool down...

We both had a blast this am/afternoon. Ella was exhausted when we got home for nap!

Edit: So Ive decided to try to make the pictures a little bigger in the blog so that you can see them better. But by doing that, it makes the quality of them look a little worse. If you click on each picture individually though it takes it back to the quality it originally was. Trying to decide bigger picture vs better quality? hmmmm

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