Monday, June 13, 2011

*WARNING huge blog post ahead*

Ella and I spent Sunday and part of Monday in Botkins. We had a very eventful day and half.

Ella got to see her first parade.
Waiting for the parade to start...

She waved at each thing that went by. She loved the parade, especially them throwing her candy...

We headed out to the park for Tonia and Emma's church picnic. Ella was in a great mood but extremely sleepy as it was past her nap.

I remember as a little girl going to Hussey's with my mom and dad to eat and feed the ducks. I knew it was something I had to share with Ella so after nap we all headed to Hussey's for dinner.
Checking out the ducks while waiting for dinner...

She patiently made it through dinner and finally it was time to feed the ducks...

You're still taking pics??

Ever since I took her to Parky's Farm last week, she has asked me twice a day to go to the farm. After dinner we stopped by my aunt Darla's farm to check out the cows.
The cows let you feed and pet them and liked to lick your clothes. She seemed a bit overwhelmed by the number and size of them and had enough once they started licking her.

Uncle Mark even took the girls a ride in his tractor which she loved...

She loves kitties and was disappointed that they were hiding in the barn...

Today we went to the Wapak Waterpark with grandma, Emma, and Tonia. To my disappoint my camera died so I didn't get any pictures. Probably a good thing though considering I took 200 pics on Sunday

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