Saturday, January 7, 2012

Build A Bear before Omaha

We went to Build A Bear for the first time today. The lighting there is awful and everything is yellow so it doesn't result in the best pictures. Ella picked a hot pink valentine kitty. I really thought she would be one of the Chipmunks.
Waiting in line to get her kitty stuffed

Picking out a heart for the kitty

They then have you put the heart on your head so the kitty is smart, hold it to your knee so it is fast, put it on your belly so its never hungry, put it against your heart and make a wish, and give it a kiss.
Then she put the heart inside the kitty

Pressing the peddle for the stuffing

And fluffing and scrubbing her kitty when it was all done

She picked out Hello Kitty underwear, shirt, and slippers for her kitty. She named the kitty Zoe. She came up with that name completely on her own.
On the way home with the finished product

Well tomorrow I leave for my two weeks (possibly three) in Omaha Nebraska. We have been talking to Ella about it for the past week. Everytime we talk about it, her response is, I will miss you and Grandma Joyce, Jo Jo, and Leslie will be coming while I stay home with daddy. Today when we talked about it, she started sobbing and saying that she would miss me so much. It breaks my heart. She has also asked multiple times if I will stay with her or if she can go on the plane with me. The blog will probably be pretty quiet the next couple weeks. I am not taking my good camera with me (GASP) only my point and shoot. I have asked Tom to post Ella updates on the blog; however, this is unlikely with him playing full time employee, part time student, and full time dad. Here to safe travels and hopes that the next few weeks fly by

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