Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week off

 Last Friday was my last day at Cincinnati Children's. I leave for Omaha Nebraska on Sunday for training for my new job. I took this week off work to be with Ella before I go. It is going to be so difficult leaving her. I cry each time I think about it. I have only left her three times since she was born and for no longer than two nights. I know she will be in good hands with Tom and help from my mom, his mom, and our sitter but still it is going to be rough on both her and I. We have been cramming in tons of fun this week. We have gone to gymnastics, Chik Fil A playland, Run Jump, and Play, the library, etc. Today we went to The Museum Center.

She cracks me up....She will actually smile these days for the camera but a lot of the times she is randomly looking off to side or up

1 comment:

  1. Um...what's this new job??? are you gone from CCHMC?
