Saturday, January 14, 2012


I really cannot believe how quickly this week has gone by. Sounds like I will be out in Omaha for three rather than two weeks.  The days here are extremely intense and long. Sounds like Ella had a great week between my mom and Tom.
Tuesday my mom took Ella to her first movie, The Chipmunks. I hear she did awesome and lasted through the entire movie.

Friday evening, since there was snow in Ohio, Ella wanted to go sledding. We do not have a sled at home so Tom came up with a makeshift sled. This picture cracks me up. No that is not a dead child in the background, its Ella making a snow angel.

Today, Tom being the awesome dad he is, took her to buy a sled, snowpants, and snowboots, baked cookies with her, and played with her new barbie pool. It truly makes my time away so much easier knowing that she is in such good hands.

This AM Megan and I walked next door to Jimmy's Egg and had a big breakfast.

Today we only had to put in about two hours of training so Megan and I headed to the mall to kill time. We did a little shopping and got a pedicure. I am so thankful to have Megan here with me. I couldnt ask for a better suite and training mate (well aside from Ella and Tom)

Tomorrow we have another two hours of training and then the head psychologist is having us over to meet his family and have dinner. And then begins another exhausting week!

I am missing Tom and Ella terribly and it sounds like Tom is missing me as well. Tonight he bought me a ticket for next weekend so I can come home in between the three weeks. He really is the best!

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