Thursday, September 27, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Here's a comparison of Ella at exactly two months and Claire at exactly two months

Some people say tell me they look completely different and others say they look exactly alike. They're coloring is definitely different; however, I surely see lots of features that are similar

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday Weekly

I want to start a new weekly post called Wednesday Weekly. Each Wednesday I will take Claire's picture. Unfortunately I have missed doing this the first 8 weeks but I am hoping its something I can continue each week up until a year old. Here's this weeks....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Little Photographer

While I was taking this of her

She was taking this of me

Not bad at all!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

CMH Great Outdoor Weekend

This weekend Cincinnati celebrated The Great Outdoor Weekend. There were 120 different outdoor activities across Cincinnati at different locations. Ella's school was one of the sites hosting. Grandma Jo Jo was in town on Sunday so the girls, Grandma Jo Jo,  and I headed over to enjoy the outdoors.

Flowers Ella and Grandma Jo Jo picked for me at home while I was getting ready

First activity was making our own t shirts. We took plants and flowers and used them as stencils with fabric paint. Super easy and great idea

We even made a shirt for Claire

Finished product

Ella trying to see one of the naturists tag the legs of finches and then release them

Ella's favorite part of the whole set up were the snakes. She had to go back and touch and hold them multiple times. So unlike her dad :)

Checking out the salamanders

And Ella got to roast her first marshmallow!

Checking out the pond on school grounds

Trying to check out samples from the pond under the microscope
(trying to get the hang of closing one eye to look through it)

Playing with a friend from her class, Sidney, in the sandbox

She LOVES the merry go round at school. Last week at the school picnic I had to get her off after 20 minutes because was about to puke. This time she decided she wanted to be the one to push it. She did pretty well til she got going so fast she flew off to the side and fell down

And this is how she likes to sit when she is on it

After, we went to a restaurant in downtown Loveland, The Works. It has a train car attached to it, which of course Ella had to check out.

I realize this event was part of a larger thing going on in Cincinnati but I have to say that I am so far so impressed with Ella's school. Its not just a school its a community, a mentality, a philosophy. Everyone has been so friendly and I love what the school represents. Each time Ella is there on their grounds I see how she lights up. Its clear she loves it there.

And Claire was there but in the Ergo carrier. Here's her at the restaurant. Check out those blue eyes

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The gift of daughters

Before I had children I did not understand why anyone would want to be a stay at home mom. I made comments about how unfulfilling that would be and what a waste of a brain to just stay at home. But like I said, that was before. It seems like everything now in life is marked by before or after children. I realize that before I had children my life was not near as fulfilling as it is now. I realize how fun before children is much different than after children. The fun I have now is rewarding, it means something. Before I was a parent I just got through the day, waiting for the next one to come and go. Now that I have children I try to quicken every second that is not spent with them and slow down every second that I am with them. After I had kids I finally understood what the song working for the weekend truly means.

All through this last maternity leave I dreaded  planned the return to work. But as the six weeks drew nearer, and the more stressed and unsatisfied I became with my current job, the less I cared about returning. Tom kept telling me "just quit, we will figure it out". Just quit? What about all the time I spent in college to get a masters degree and licensure? What about all the income we would lose? So even though at six weeks I was exhausted, depressed about leaving my children, and not at all happy about returning to work, I did it anyways.

The first week back at work I was absolutely miserable. All I could focus on was how much I missed my kids. Tom was running around like a mad man all day getting Ella to school, picking Ella up from school, getting her lunch, getting her down for nap. Three evenings a week Tom is at school and once I got home from work I was exhausted. I spent the evening running around like a mad woman making dinner, cleaning up, making bottles for the next day, getting kids clothes laid out all for me to go to work the next day and leave my kids with someone other than family. I felt myself already getting burnt out on work and all the jobs of keeping the family running in the evening. I started to think why am I spending all this time, effort, and energy on work and getting ready to go to work? At the end of the day I had nothing left to give my family. Yet they were the only ones I wanted to be with and that mean something to me yet I had nothing left to give them? Something felt completely wrong about that picture.

My job since January continued to become more stressful, with longer hours, and unreasonable expectations. Working through maternity leave completely burnt me out and several things building up made me bitter. After one week back on the job I knew that I would not be able to stay. That my place was with my children. I should be the one running Ella to school and volunteering in her classroom. Instead of pumping at my desk or in my car when I am out at trainings I should be bonding with Claire everyday with breastfeeding rather than her frantically trying to reestablish that relationship in the evening. My children deserve to wake up every morning and spend the day with the person that thinks the most of them and loves them more than anyone in the entire world.

When I was working with Ella (four days a week though) I convinced myself that I was not missing that much. That I would see her each evening and weekend and she would know I was her mother. Yet seeing how quickly the last three years have gone I want more than just knowing Im the mother and I love them. I want to be there for every first, every tear, every smile. I want to be the one that comforts my children when they are sad or hurting and the first to hear about their day at school when they jump in the car off the playground.

I recently read an article about how the "jobs" of motherhood such as cooking, cleaning, running around, laundry, etc are very tedious and not at all fun. Its about the relationship that you get from being a mother that keeps you going, that keeps you wanting another baby. You now know exactly what the little old in the grocery store meant by "enjoy every second, it goes so fast and before you know it they will be grown". I find myself even wanting to tell new moms that I see struggling in the grocery or at Target, dont worry, this too shall pass but then you will find yourself wanting those moments back. They go too fast. Thats why Ive decided to stay home. To try to take full advantage of those moments.

What happened to my career goals? My college degree? My drive to become better, make more money, get ahead? When I think about these things I think about how lucky I am to have healthy children, not everyone is that lucky. I think about the opportunity that is presented to me by staying home, not everyone is that lucky. I think of my own mother. I think of our relationship. I call her at least three times a day. If I have a dilema, a crisis, a moment of joy, or boredom she is the first person I call for praise, advice, someone to chit chat with. I can literally count on two hands the number of times she was gone on an overnight or evening out while I was growing up and I remember those instances clearly. Whether it was an event for the Woman's Club, out with friends, or another event in the community I can still remember the smell of her make up and perfume as she got ready. I also remember her and my dad kissing me goodnight each time they returned. My mother is still to this day one of the most important people to me in my life. Now I am that to my daugthers. That's pretty amazing. That is a gift.

Last Friday, only two weeks back on the job, I walked into my bosses office and turned in my resignation. At this point we have not decided on a last day. I am giving her some time to find a replacement. I do know though that resigning from my job was a much easier decision than returning from maternity leave. Once I walk out the doors for the last time I will not be sad nor walk away from regret. There will always be work to do and jobs to find. My girls will only be small once. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Big changes are a comin! Changes for the better! Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Grandparent's Day!

Ella and Claire would like to wish Grandmas Joyce, PawPaw and Grandma JoJo a very Happy Grandparent's Day! Ella and Claire love you very much!!

Today is the official start of the Packers season. As soon as Ella saw daddy had his jersey on she had to follow suit. This is the outfit she chose. She also chose a pink belt which she is wearing but you cant see in the picture. Go Pack Go

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Its Begun

today Ella started preschool. I couldn't even be the one to take her there and see her off. So before I left for work I kissed her, told her I loved her, and to have a good day at school. Wait, a good day at school? Didn't I just give birth to her like yesterday??!!

I've definitely realized that time is different now that I have children. Not only in what its measured by but also by how quickly it seems to fly by. I remember before I had time was measured by events. Vacation, holidays, birthdays, I was always wishing for the next thing to occur. Just passing and wishing time away for the next bit of excitement. Now that I have children I feel like time is marked by fleeting seconds that pass too quickly. A quick smile, laugh, coo, a kiss, a hug, an I love you, swinging at the park, etc. I feel instead of wishing time away to the next "big" event or milestone, I wish for the seconds to last longer, for time to slow down. The second Claire and Ella were born they started growing up. They are still young but they are not as young as they were yesterday and the day before that. Each milestone they hit is just another reminder that they are getting older and so am I.

Last night each time I asked her how she felt about starting school she responded "I'm excited but a little bit scared". My emotions mirror hers exactly. I'm excited for this part of her life to be starting. Excited about the things she'll learn, the people she'll meet, the confidence she'll gain. The other part of me is scared. Scared about her being scared, scared about mean kids, scared about her not needing me anymore.

She will go five half days a week. WHAAA??? I mean next it'll be her asking to go on dates, asking for the car keys, and heading off to college.

Around three today I received this email from her teachers:

Hi Tom and Tara,
Ella had a great first day of school! She spent much of her morning choosing works from the practical life area of the classroom and seemed to really enjoy these works (such as pouring, spooning and different manipulatives). She seemed right at home and was excited to get going in the classroom and getting busy. I have attached a picture of her in action--she is doing a glueing work :)
Theresa and Megan

It gave me such a good feeling that they care enough about Tom and I (and Ella) to update us by 3pm on the first day. After receiving that email and hearing how excited Ella is this evening I know we made the right choice and picked the right school. Hears to the next 20 or so years of school!

(Picture from the teachers from today. Parents dont even take the kids in on the first day. They are dropped off in a carline. It starts the example right away of independence and that its Ella's school. Also more tough on the kids when parents go in)