Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Wildnerness

The four of us just got back from an amazing family vacation at The Wilderness/Wyndham Resort in Gatlinburg. I have to admit this place was pretty freaking amazing. We stayed in a two bedroom deluxe condo with two bathrooms. This was by far the nicest condo Ive stayed in and the decor was so nice I literally could have lived there as my home. We literally did not leave the resort the entire four days aside from a trip to Krogers and a food trip. The resort had everything we needed, and more. There were two outdoor waterparks, one indoor waterpark, a huge game and arcade area, a few restaurants, a candy shop with starbucks, a few gift shops, bowling, putt putt golf, an indoor playset, laser tag, a ropes course up to the ceiling, rock climbing, and Im sure Im forget some things. We took turns taking Ella by ourselves for some individual time but for the most part I wore the baby in the Ergo while Tom got in the water with Ella.  Ella was beyond excited. I was sooo happy we were able to take this trip. Seeing the excitement of vacation from a kid's perspective is indescribable. 

Enjoying the jacuuzi tub in the master bedroom

Claire enjoying a bath in her PUJ tub. I love this thing

Ella had her own bedroom with two beds. She immediately set it all up with her toys and declared one bed a "sleeping bed" and one a "jumping bed". I was so proud of her that she slept in there on her own each night and each nap.

Life is good just floating along

One of two kids areas in indoor waterpark

Indoor pool area had a big snake and a big basketball area with three hoops

About to hit the outdoor lazy river with dad

Enjoying some dinner in the resort restaurant

Playing skee ball in the arcade for the first time

Kids version of the demon drop inside the arcade

Like a kid in a candy shop, literally

Gotta get serious when hitting the water

She means business, even that kid recognizes

Oh and I forgot to mention the resort also had a paint your own pottery place. She painted me a spoon rest.  We didnt discover it til our last night so Ella's piece had to be shipped in the mail

This is Carla (named by Ella). She picked her out in the gift shop and she had to go with us to paint pottery. Later that night Ella got Tuffy (a chihuha named by Ella) that she got with her tickets in the arcade. Theyre a perfect pair.

So now its back to reality and reality is going to hit hard this week. Tom goes back to work and school, I start back at work, Claire heads to the sitters and Ella begins preschool. Someone hold me, my babies are growing up too fast.

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