Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Its Begun

today Ella started preschool. I couldn't even be the one to take her there and see her off. So before I left for work I kissed her, told her I loved her, and to have a good day at school. Wait, a good day at school? Didn't I just give birth to her like yesterday??!!

I've definitely realized that time is different now that I have children. Not only in what its measured by but also by how quickly it seems to fly by. I remember before I had time was measured by events. Vacation, holidays, birthdays, I was always wishing for the next thing to occur. Just passing and wishing time away for the next bit of excitement. Now that I have children I feel like time is marked by fleeting seconds that pass too quickly. A quick smile, laugh, coo, a kiss, a hug, an I love you, swinging at the park, etc. I feel instead of wishing time away to the next "big" event or milestone, I wish for the seconds to last longer, for time to slow down. The second Claire and Ella were born they started growing up. They are still young but they are not as young as they were yesterday and the day before that. Each milestone they hit is just another reminder that they are getting older and so am I.

Last night each time I asked her how she felt about starting school she responded "I'm excited but a little bit scared". My emotions mirror hers exactly. I'm excited for this part of her life to be starting. Excited about the things she'll learn, the people she'll meet, the confidence she'll gain. The other part of me is scared. Scared about her being scared, scared about mean kids, scared about her not needing me anymore.

She will go five half days a week. WHAAA??? I mean next it'll be her asking to go on dates, asking for the car keys, and heading off to college.

Around three today I received this email from her teachers:

Hi Tom and Tara,
Ella had a great first day of school! She spent much of her morning choosing works from the practical life area of the classroom and seemed to really enjoy these works (such as pouring, spooning and different manipulatives). She seemed right at home and was excited to get going in the classroom and getting busy. I have attached a picture of her in action--she is doing a glueing work :)
Theresa and Megan

It gave me such a good feeling that they care enough about Tom and I (and Ella) to update us by 3pm on the first day. After receiving that email and hearing how excited Ella is this evening I know we made the right choice and picked the right school. Hears to the next 20 or so years of school!

(Picture from the teachers from today. Parents dont even take the kids in on the first day. They are dropped off in a carline. It starts the example right away of independence and that its Ella's school. Also more tough on the kids when parents go in)

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