Monday, September 24, 2012

CMH Great Outdoor Weekend

This weekend Cincinnati celebrated The Great Outdoor Weekend. There were 120 different outdoor activities across Cincinnati at different locations. Ella's school was one of the sites hosting. Grandma Jo Jo was in town on Sunday so the girls, Grandma Jo Jo,  and I headed over to enjoy the outdoors.

Flowers Ella and Grandma Jo Jo picked for me at home while I was getting ready

First activity was making our own t shirts. We took plants and flowers and used them as stencils with fabric paint. Super easy and great idea

We even made a shirt for Claire

Finished product

Ella trying to see one of the naturists tag the legs of finches and then release them

Ella's favorite part of the whole set up were the snakes. She had to go back and touch and hold them multiple times. So unlike her dad :)

Checking out the salamanders

And Ella got to roast her first marshmallow!

Checking out the pond on school grounds

Trying to check out samples from the pond under the microscope
(trying to get the hang of closing one eye to look through it)

Playing with a friend from her class, Sidney, in the sandbox

She LOVES the merry go round at school. Last week at the school picnic I had to get her off after 20 minutes because was about to puke. This time she decided she wanted to be the one to push it. She did pretty well til she got going so fast she flew off to the side and fell down

And this is how she likes to sit when she is on it

After, we went to a restaurant in downtown Loveland, The Works. It has a train car attached to it, which of course Ella had to check out.

I realize this event was part of a larger thing going on in Cincinnati but I have to say that I am so far so impressed with Ella's school. Its not just a school its a community, a mentality, a philosophy. Everyone has been so friendly and I love what the school represents. Each time Ella is there on their grounds I see how she lights up. Its clear she loves it there.

And Claire was there but in the Ergo carrier. Here's her at the restaurant. Check out those blue eyes

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