Monday, August 27, 2012


Before we found out if Claire would be a boy or girl, deep down, I was wanting another girl. Both my girls are destined to do great things. I just know it

While Im finding having a newborn the second time around much easier than the first time, being the parent of two children is by no means easy. More than anything Im finding the balancing of time difficult. In the end, someone misses out. Ella will never get the attention from me that she once had and I struggle to find the undivided time to give to Claire that I gave to Ella as a newborn.

I am so glad I am breastfeeding Claire. It forces me to sit down and bond and spend time with her but newborns are consuming. And I wonder, how is all that time that Claire is consuming affecting Ella. Yet Ella got that undivided attention from me as a newborn so what makes Claire deserve less? Since Claire came home, Ella has wanted to be a part of all that goes on wiht Claire. So I am trying to include Ella in as much as possible. Even if it is fine you scrub Claire's foot while I wash the rest of her.

With the stress of work and lack of sleep and mothering two young children it means you have days that you don't win mother of the year award. Somehow though the sun sets and rises and your children still love you just the same. Even though it is hard, I would never give this up for something else. Even when I am not at my best my children love me unconditionally. What could be more amazing than that?

Even though I was uncertain about having children this close in age and how that would affect them, I feel like they have been given a gift. The gift of sisterhood.

I hope they are forever best friends. I want to do my best at encouraging and facilitating that relationship. I want to start by trying my best to never compare them in looks, brains, or ability. I believe every person has a gift, a special talent, something they are good at. I want to nurture my girls individual differences and talents and hope their commonalities that bring them together.

While I thought I would have more time to blog on maternity leave, I am finding it more difficult than ever to find the time. I go back to work full time next week and Tom is back in school so I doubt it will get any easier. I will continue to try to blog about both girls equally but in all honesty this is probably a turning point in the blog where I begin to write less about Ella and more about Claire.  I think there comes a point for all mom's who blog where their child reaches an age where its no longer ok to put up stories about misbehavior or embarrassing moments. Ella is about to start school and I never want her to look back on this blog and be upset about anything that was shared or said. I will still tell stories and share pictures but I think its time that her life becomes a bit more private. It doesn't mean that I love her any less but rather that I love her that much.

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