Friday, August 24, 2012

School visit

Tuesday Ella's school had their open house. School started for the older kids on Wednesday and then they gradually start the rest of the kids based on age and Montessori experience. Ella will be with the last group to start. Tuesday we were able to go and check out her classroom, there were popsicles on the playground, and to meet other kids and parents.  The school goes up to 8th grade. Hundreds of kids attend this school. There are three preschool classes ages3-6 that have 28 or so kids in each. 

We had to drop off Ella's supplies as well. She needs a pair of "slippers" for the classroom (the Tom's below). These shoes she will change into every morning when she arrives and they are only worn in the classroom. Lot of Montessori work is done on the floor and this prevents shoes from tracking in dirt. She needs rain boots as they garden outside, play in the creek, hike, go out in rainy weather, etc. Her new backpack which she was so excited about it the day it arrived she screamed, hugged it, and immediately had to go pack it. There's also a change of clothes and your general school supplies such as glue, markers, kleenex, etc

These are two of Ella's three teachers, Megan and Theresa. These are the two that came to visit at the house last week. Both have a bachelors in Montessori education from Xavier.

In Montessori their tasks are called works. Ella was able to check out all the work in the classroom and get some out and do them. She absolutely loved her classroom and didn't want to leave it. 

The property the school is on is beautiful. Its situated on a few hundred acres. There are tons of gardens and flowers everywhere. There is a flowing creek and an awesome playground. Ella was really excited about the huge sand pit. We spent a lot of time checking out the property. 

There is even a "fairy garden" which of course she loves.

Each preschool classroom has its own porch the kids can garden on, eat lunch on, do lessons, etc

And of course by the end she was tired of pictures

She absolutely loves her school and I hear the pure joy and excitement in her voice every time she talks about it. That definitely helps me because this whole preschool thing is terrifying for me. Just one more step towards my baby growing up

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