Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Girls only morning

Today I decided to take the both the girls on our first outing. I packed up the baby and we headed to the Zak Morgan kids concert at a park on the eastside of town. Tons of mom's and their kids showed up for the concert.

I was actually surprised that Ella listened to about three of his songs and was done. She wanted to head over to the playground area which was actually one of the nicest playgrounds Ive seen.

It was really hot out and I worried about the baby all snug up against me in the Ergo carrier in the heat. I was unaware that the park had a spray park area or else i would've brought Ella's suit. Of course with the heat she wanted to get in the water.

So I let her get in the water in her clothes

She just stood in the water for quite awhile

Ella had to ride home naked as I did not bring a change of clothes. While it wasn't a long outing I would definitely say our first girls only outing was a success

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