Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1 month

I cannot believe that Claire is already a month old today. I swear I just gave birth to her yesterday. Or so it seems. And now I am preparing to return to work in just two short weeks. With work and a toddler I honestly feel like I haven't had just even one full day to relax with Claire and do absoultely nothing.
I feel like we have adjusted well to Claire joining our lives. While it is much more busy with her here, it feels like she has always been a part of our family. I can say that I feel much more confident the second time around with a newborn. I feel with all the bag of tricks I picked up in Ellas three years that I know my newborn well and know just what she needs and how to soothe her.

Tomorrow will be the first time that I leave her. Unfortunately I am unable to take her to work with me as I have therapy I have to complete with families. She will be in good hands with Leslie but I absolutely hate the thought of leaving my tiny four week old.

I wasn't able to capture any smiles but this week brings lots of intentional smiles from Claire. She loves when you talk to her and has even been attempting to coo. Last night was her first night in her own room in her own bed. She did not cry but all her normal grunting and noises were magnified by ten on the monitor so I didn't get much sleep. She is up in her bed now and quiet so I am hoping for a good night as 6am will come quick. Claire loves taking baths, being swaddled, and watching Ella. She has been awake a lot more this week.

Sleep: Lately she has been falling asleep by 9pm at the latest and typically wakes two times to eat in the middle of the night. She is often very gassy during her awake time; however, lately I have noticed her awake for longer periods and not quite as fussy.

Eating: She is still exclusively breastfed. She eats every three or so hours. I noticed that if she was fussy before three hours and I tried feeding her she would become even more fussy. I have been using gas drops every now and then and also plan to start her on probiotics soon. Ella has been on probiotics since before six months old.

Clothing and diapers. She is still in disposable diapers but I plan to very soon make the switch to cloth. I absolutely hate the thought of using disposable for cost, chemicals that are then on the baby, and the effect on the environment. She just switched from newborn size to size one although I have to say size one is huge on her. She is mostly still in newborn clothing. I swear this girl has a long torso and super short legs!

Tonight was our first night with Tom back at school. It actually went really smoothly as far as dinner, getting both the girls bath and in bed. Hoping that continues.
Dear Claire Bear: You have been with us one month. While we are still getting to know you we could not love you more. You are my sweet little cuddle bug. You are a book that has yet to be written. The possibilities are endless.
 And just like Albert Einstein said:
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle
We love you Claire. I cant wait to see what our journey together brings

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