Saturday, August 4, 2012


Please excuse me...I am so far behind on blogging. I have yet to blog Claire's birth story or Ella's third birthday. Today I attempt to catch up on blogging.

Last Sunday was Ella's third birthday and we celebrated with close family. Three years? Wow where has the time gone. As I laid in the hospital about to give birth to Claire I thought a lot about how just three short years before that I was in the same hospital giving birth to Ella. Time is just chipping away.
Nearly everything about toddlerhood is perfect and amazing. The phrases she says, her memory, to see the pride on her face as she works through a problem or discovers something new, the way she greets us in the morning, to the way her hair smells, to see on her face how much she loves her baby sister. From literally the moment Ella saw Claire's face, she loved her. You can see it each time she looks at her and holds her. I know by looking at her that she loves Claire just as much as we love her. I am so proud of her. I knew she would be a great big sister but I am amazed by just how love this little girl has in her heart. We are doing something right.

In the last few weeks she is becoming so grown up. So responsible, so well spoken, so helpful. I look at her and my heart swells with pride and love yet at the same time weeps a bit that my baby is becoming a little girl.
Two was becoming a big sister. Two was going from a crib to a big girl bed. Two was learning colors, numbers, and counting. Two was learning to float on your back. Two was learning independence while clinging to dependence.
I look at her today and wonder what will three be like? I can't wait to find out.

And my sweet, dear Ella just as I have always said, this is my wish for you: I hope that you forever live your life with the passion and joy that you live life with now. I promise to nurture whatever dreams you have. You can be whatever your heart desires and we will always support you.

I have always loved you madly but somehow every morning that I wake up, I love you a little more.  You are my light, you are love, and because you are on this earth each day is brighter and full of life.

As I said we had a small get together for Ella's birthday. I had been worried for weeks that I would not do Ella's bday justice, there would be too much focus on the baby, and Ella would be upset. There was no way we could plan a big party or get together without knowing when Claire would be coming.
Ella talked about her birthday weeks before it happened. She kept saying friends were coming and we were having a party. So I worried she would be disapppointed and I would be stressed by having a party and a baby in one week. Well it turned out great by making it small. My mom came the day before and helped with cleaning, food, and decorating (thanks mom). Ella could not have been happier. She ran around and played with Emma and even stated at one point that "it was the best birthday ever!" She was so appreciative of the party and the gifts and told everyone thank you and you could really see that she truly enjoyed herself.

Ella got to blow out candles on two cakes because Grandma Jo Jo made her a cake too! Thanks Grandma!

Tom talked her into taking a bite right from the cake

We are a family of four!

Thanks to everyone who made Ella's third birthday so special!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...beautiful. You brought tears too my eyes as I read your wishes for Ella. You're a great mom, Tara. And that's one beautiful new baby girl too. Hope you're doing well!
