Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Booooo to the weather.

Ella has been excited for Halloween for quite some time now. My mom picked up this absolutely adorable pig costume a couple months ago and Ella has talked about wearing it since then. Well due to the weather, our multiple Halloween plans have not worked out. My mom was in town last Friday and we planned to go to Deerfield Towne Center Treat Street that evening. Its an outdoor shopping center that the kids can trick or treat at each store. There is also a petting zoo, face painting, etc. My mom took her last year while Tom and I were in Jersey. Well it was raining, cold, and windy so we were unable to go. Saturday we did not end up going to Shaw Farms due to the weather. Sunday our neighborhood had their annual Halloween party at the clubhouse. They were supposed to have a bounce house but due to the wind were unable. I think Ella was a little disappointed there was no bounce house and we were all crammed into the tiny clubhouse trying to play games. The pics below are from the day we went to the neighborhood clubhouse. Today we were going to go trick or treating at The Loveland Farmer's Market but again were unable to due to weather. Tomorrow's weather is not looking promising for trick or treat but rain or shine this pig will be hitting the streets!

She is such a ham (no pun intended). She loves to do crazy poses for the camera. She said "ready" and just started busting out poses

Sunday, October 28, 2012

3 months.

A year ago this weekend Claire was conceived. I cannot believe that before that she did not exist; yet, it is also hard to imagine that she has already been here for three months. It's been amazing to see her develop at a such a rapid pace.

Claire has had a burst of development in the last month. She is so social and animated. A true charmer, a true ham. She is such a joy to be around. She definitely knows who her immediate family is and responds much differently to us than others. She is much more quiet around other people. She loves watching Ella more than anyone else.

At three months Claire:

--> just started blowing raspberries on 10/24/12
--> rolled from front to back for the first time on 10/20/12 (of course while I was at the store and Tom was home with her)
--> is wearing 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers (are cloth diapers should be arriving any day)
--> eats every 3 hours for about 15-20 min. She gets down to business.
--> goes to bed around 7 each night. Her longest stretch of sleep has been 6.5 hours. She wakes to eat and goes back to sleep and I wake her at 7.  She still sleeps swaddled. 11-13 weeks was a major rough patch for sleep. Pretty sure we hit a growth spurt. The last two nights have been better so I hope were on an upswing
--> cooing and smiling like its her job. saying gee and attempting to "talk" and make other sounds and noises. started squealing and yelling out in pure delight about two weeks ago. started to "laugh" this past week.
--> still hates the car seat but is doing better with less crying and more of chewing on her fists while in the car
--> started watching her hands about two weeks ago. Is able to grasp toys and most times get them up to her mouth.
--> she has had awesome head, neck and back control for quite awhile now. The girl literally wants to sit up. No more of this laying down crap. She completely supports herself sitting when on your lap or when holding her hands when sitting on the floor. I have a feeling we will have a sitter by next months update.
--> Unlike Ella, who's hair fell completely out around this time, Claire's seems to be getting more hair
--> eyes are still very blue and her hair is strawberry blonde. She is getting the cutest rolls on her legs and arms
--> Loves to have people talk to her. Definitely notices when I leave the room. She loves chewing her fist and watching toys and yelling out.
Oh and she is ridiculously cute and amazing...See for yourself in this massive photo dump

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday Weekly

Winston getting in on the picture

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Ella is REALLY into holidays. For weeks now she has been talking about Halloween. She has been non stop talking about putting up Halloween decorations and carving jack o lanterns. She already is on a Christmas kick and every day asks me when Christmas will be here with the response "its taking too long and I'm getting annoyed". 
Yesterday I carved a pumpkin with the girls for the first time. We made a cat. Ella helped with digging out the guts, for a little bit. I pretty much did all the work while the girls sat and watched :)