Monday, October 1, 2012

2 months

I am way behind on blogging for Claire's two month. I thought that being home would give me more time but with all the running around with dropping Ella off and picking her up along with one spoiled baby, it seems I get nothing done!

So,  my baby is two months. I cannot believe how the time is flying by. She is developing quite the personality and is changing from a newborn to a baby. She is such a happy baby. She loves looking you in the eye cooing and smiling. She is quite the charmer. 

The only time she really cries is in the car. She DESPISES riding in the car unless she is asleep. If she is not asleep she will scream like there is no tomorrow. Half the time she gets herself so worked up it takes quite awhile before you can calm her down, even if you've gotten her out of the seat. Im really hoping this is something she outgrows pretty quickly as its miserable for all those involved.

Sleep: She is ready to go to sleep around 7 or 730. She has been going at least 3 to 4 hours in between feedings at night and I have gotten a couple six hour spurts out of her. She prefers to sleep swaddled tightly. I wake her around 7 or 8 depending on when we need to be up and out the door but I swear she would sleep all day if you let her. She is awake in 1.5 to 2 hour time frames. She takes a good nap in the morning and afternoon and the rest of the time are short cat naps.

Eating: She is still exclusively breastfed and I am loving that I no longer have to pump or give bottles! Another bonus of staying at home! Claire eats approximately every three hours.

Immunizations never affected Ella. Claire had her two month shots this past Friday. She was super fussy and hardly smiled (not like her at all) the entire day Friday. She ended up with a fever and seemed as if she could not get comfortable. Saturday she was less fussy but still not near as smiley as normal. She slept almost the entire day on Saturday. Sunday I was glad to see she was finally back to her normal self. 

2 month Stats:
-clothes size 0-3 months
-size 1 diapers (hoping to switch to cloth here in about another month)
-she has gone to having a bowel movement on one day per week; however, that one day a week she will typically go 3-5 times. still super runny. no she is not constipated. this is common for breastfed babies as there is little to no waste in breastmilk. it is almost entirely used by the body.
-weight: 11 lbs 9 oz 75th percentile (last month was 10 lbs 4 oz)
-height: 22 1/4 inch 50th percentile (last month was 21 1/4 in)

About a week or two ago she found her fist. Her second favorite thing aside from cooing and smiling is shoving her fist in her mouth.

Loving how blue her eyes are. Hoping they stay this color

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