Thursday, October 18, 2012

Girls just wanna have fun

It's been almost a month now that I left my job and began my journey at home full time with the girls. Staying at home does not come without its challenges. This week was particularly rough as Claire has gone back to waking over and over and over at night. Im on really limited sleep the last few days which lowers my patience but we just keep going and making it the best we can. Aside from the last few days I have to say that I am finally feeling back to my normal self. When I accepted my job in January I thought I was taking on my dream job. While the job itself may have been my dream job, management was like posion to me. The job ended up being one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It was not a good situation or a good place for me to be. I put a lot of things at risk by taking on that position. I am glad I decided to step up and no longer risk the relationship with my family to be at a place that when it came down to it, treated me like shit. I also believe though that taking that job was a blessing in disguise. Had I not been so miserable in my job I probably would not have made the decision to be at home with my girls. I am finally taking the time to reconnect with friends and re establish relationships that I neglected for quite awhile. I am organizing things in the house and not feeling bad when I dont. I am realizing that sometimes its ok to throw in the towel and take a nap. I actually get to see my husband since he works from home. When I was working and he was in school we literally saw each other a few minutes in the evening and a couple hours on the weekend. I see a difference in Ella's behaviors now that my negativity has decreased. I have time to have fun with my kids. Most importantly I am again trying to take control back of my life, my emotions, my happiness. While there may be challenges with staying home, my happiness lies with my girls, with my family. So maybe in the end I feel thankful I took that job. The opportunity to be home. I love watching my girls grow


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