Sunday, April 10, 2011

Airwaves Kite Festival

With the beautiful weather we decided we would spend most of the day outdoors today.
The three of us started with a run this am.
Then we all headed out to the kite festival at Voice of America Park.

We had to ride a school bus to shuttle over to the park and this was the highlight of Ella's day. She had a grin on her face the entire bus ride and kept singing wheels on the bus. She literally asked to ride school bus the rest of the day...

There was a hawk from the Cincinnati Zoo at the Kite festival

Ella checking out the kites....

This is Ella saying "I hold kite"

One tired baby ready to leave the kite festival and head home for a nap.

During nap I took winston for a walk around the lake. After Ella woke up her and I walked to the park near our house and played outside til dark. I loved being outside all day but I am beat tonight!

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