Monday, April 4, 2011

A fish named Ella..

We started swim lessons tonight. Ella was feeling better, no fever since Saturday, slowly getting her appetite back, and was itching to get out of the house. We took a year break from swimming but I was anxious to get her back in lessons since she is such a little daredevil fish in the bathtub. She has been talking about swimming all weekend and was so excited to go tonight. (please excuse the blurry pics. camera was dying and therefore flash wouldnt pop up)

This was her reaction when she realized we could not immediately get in a pool after putting on our suits but rather had to drive to the pool...

scoping out the scene and immediately wanted in...

We started with kicking and floating around the lazy river section...

You can see her kick on this pic

Then to the back to practice kicking and floating..

And then to the front to practice arms by throwing the toy and her going after it..

Jumping in....

At the end the kids had a chance to go down the slides and play with the water toys...

So far I am more pleased with this location than the last place we took lessons. Much less singing, only two short songs and much more action in the water.
Ella absolutely loved it. As we were getting out of the pool she said bye water, bye swimming but as soon as she realized we were done for the week, she was not pleased!

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