Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Manicure and Mowing

Ella asked me to paint her fingernails this past weekend. Ever since, everywhere we go and everyone she sees, she has to tell them about and show them her fingernails. Earlier in the weekend she kept calling them toenails but now is correctly identifying them as fingernails. And even though she holds very still, I have a hard time staying in the lines on such tiny nails...

Both of us blowing them dry...

Holding very still for her manicure...

Last night Tom was mowing the yard when we got home from swimming. She was so interested, she watched him do the whole backyard from the window. All through bath she talked about daddy mowing the yard and said mowing, vroom vroom, beep beep and turned her hands in the air to the motion of a steering wheel :)

And dirty face but those big brown eyes melt my heart....

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