Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Poor Sick Girl

Last night we went to dinner at Red Robin where Ella was much more upset than normal and did not eat. We came home and within an hour she was burning up with a 103 temp. She became very lethargic and did not want to be moved and had rapid breathing and heart rate. I called the on call doctor who advised to keep an eye on her and if her condition deteriorated to take her to children's urgent care or ED. I kept her in bed with me til around 11 and then finally put her to bed as she was getting no sleep with me. I was a bit scared to put her to bed as even with meds we could not get the temp below 103. She slept til 8 this am and still had 102when she woke. We went to the doctor who was convinced by looking at her throat that she had strep but the quick test came back negative. They are sending it for a back up, in lab test to be sure. She did not prescribe anything as its probably a virus. This is the sickest Ive seen Ella. Temp has been consistent 101-103 all day. Ella has refused to eat anything at all. She only wants water which we mixed with a little pedialyte. Our day consisted of....

Time spent in our bed....

And time on the couch...

Her picking out which movie she wanted to watch...

Imagine that, Despicable Me. We havent seen that in ages :)

Drank lots of fluids but refused to eat anything...

At the recommendation of the pediatrician, we bought her some lollipop throat lozenges...

On a positive note, the potty is still going amazingly well. We have literally had four accidents since we started potty training exactly two weeks ago. Ella is in underwear at all times now aside from bedtime. At the doctor today she even told me "pee pee". I took her and immediately she peed a ton! We did have one accident today after drinking large amounts of water but with her feeling as lousy as she did that is to be expected. Way to go Ella!

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