Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ella received her first injury from another child today at the sitters, three scratches on the neck. I know the sitter does a great job with Ella and the other kids and I cant be mad at the other child; however, it doesnt make it any easier to know someone else hurt her or that I wasnt there to protect her.
Ella does not seem to be phased by it..

I have been reading a new book every four to five days. I figured to save us some money, I better head to the library. Ella and I spent quite awhile there this evening reading books.
I came home with a book for myself and three for Ella...

Of course we read the books before bed.
The circus book was a huge hit...
She loved that he could be sad...
or happy...
actually when we got home from the library she kept asking for "the happy book". I had no clue what she was talking about until we started reading this book

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