Monday, July 11, 2011

Were feeling HOT HOT HOT!

Ella and I met Tash, Ben, and Isla at the zoo today. We must be crazy considering it literally is the hottest day of the year. Ella didnt seem to mind and was really excited and enjoyed herself. She fell asleep immediately in the car, which never happens. And I was able to put her straight in bed when we got home, which again, never happens.

Waiting on our friends..
Disgusted with waiting face...

We got there right in time for the elephant show to start. We had a great view and Ella was very excited

She wanted to look the turtle in the face and then told me she was a turtle..
Brushing the goats..
She always likes to look animals right in the eye
Petting the lizard
Petting the alligators tail..I swear she isnt afraid of anything
Ben and Ella checking out the manatees

Her reaction when I told her we needed to stop and take a picture. I think the heat was taking its toll
Self portraits. I swear the camera picked up every single freckle on my face. scary

She told me she was opening her mouth like the crocodile...

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