Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

Ella and I headed to Wapak yesterday since Adam is in town from engineering school in the Navy. We went out to Tonia's house for lunch and hanging out.
Emma putting fake tatoo on Ella
This morning Ella, Emma, my mom, and I headed to Wapak Waterpark for family swim. I saw several of my high school classmates there with their kids. I felt like it was a high school reunion!
Today turned out to be a crazy day. While we were at the pool, Paw Paw called to tell us that while energy company was installing a light in front of their place they hit a gas line. They evacuated a couple block radius, which included my mom's house. Ella was the only one with clothes! My mom and I had to make a trip to Walmart to get some clothes and milk for Ella. We ended up at my aunt and uncles house. My mom's place was not cleared and given the ok for six hours! The place still smelled a bit like gas so Ella and my mom and I headed back to Cincinnati. Poor Ella did not get a nap until 4 which is 2.5 hours past nap time! Our sitter is out of town this week so the week will be split between Tom, myself, and my mom.

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