Saturday, July 30, 2011

Two Years Darling

Dear Ella,
You are two years darling. Since your last birthday you have grown hair on your head, learned to walk, potty trained, can express all your wants and needs, can swing on a big kid swing, too many things to name.

You love to scare daddy and I with your ferocious roar. You love dancing, marching, running. You love your kitty and blankie and want your kitty to see the amazing world you see. You are so excited about life. You dread shutting your eyes at night and you loudly announce "good morning, I wake up!" when you rise in the morning. I see how much you love life and it makes me love life.

At times I sit and have conversations with you and still cannot believe you are ours. Whatever your father and I have done to deserve such a peach, we are forever thankful.

As much as I beg time to slow down, it keeps going. Time will only go faster and you will only get bigger. I feel like just yesterday I was pregnant, then I blinked, and now here we are two years later. I miss the baby you once were but adore the toddler you have become. I have said it at each age but I love this age you are right now. I think toddlerhood suits your father and I very well. We have learned to cherish each moment and find joy in the little things.

I hope that you forever live your life with the passion and joy that you live life with now. I promise to nurture whatever dreams you have. You can be whatever your heart desires and we will always support you.

I have always loved you madly but somehow every morning that I wake up, I love you a little more. Thinking on it, I only love you two years over. I cannot wait to find out what it feels like to love you three years over, or ten years over, or thirty or fifty years over. You are my light, you are love, and because you are on this earth each day is brighter and full of life.

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