Monday, October 31, 2011


We made it back safe and sound. We had an absolutely wonderful time. The wedding was beautiful, we were able to catch up with old friends, and the trip was just what we needed for our relationship. I had hoped to get to the pictures tonight but I think they will have to wait another night. Unfortunately I have a very sick little girl. Her fever came back last Friday and has been ranging from 101 to 103.8 since. The doctor was concerned today but unsure of the culprit. Negative for strep and he also had us do bloodwork and a chest xray which appear ok. Ella is absolutely miserable. I am hoping to get answers tomorrow and will keep all of you updated.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Headed to Jersey!

This is scheduled to post at the time our plane takes off

We are headed to New Jersey for the wedding of one of Tom's former roomates. The wedding is Friday night. Three of his college buddies live in the Philly/Jersey area. Since we will be so close to New York City we are taking the train to the city on Saturday. We are hoping to catch up with my nephew Adam as he currently lives in mid state New York. Sunday we fly back home. This will only be the third time we have left Ella over night and while I am sad to leave her, I know she will be in good hand with Grandma Joyce. So here's to safe travels, time alone with my hubby, and reuniting with old friends. Lots of pics to follow!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Taking Advantage of....

Time with daddy and time as a family

Because Tom and I are leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning at 7am. Destination to be announced

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cool Crafts

Monday Ella and I had a craft day.
We started with painting a pumpkin with glitter glue
Then water colors
And last a spider made with her handprints
We had planned on carving a pumpkin as well but unfortunately ran out of time.

Yesterday I got called from the sitter to pick her up as she had a fever. The poor girl ended up being very sick with what we assume was a virus. Her fever got up to 103.5 at one point and she spent the entire day not moving and not speaking. Tom kept her home today and she seems to be much better with lots of energy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cooking and Costumes

Grandma JoJo came to see Ella yesterday.
First they made homemade macaroni and cheese together

In the afternoon, our neighborhood had a Halloween party in the pool clubhouse.
Ella wore her costume from last year as later this week she will be wearing her fairy costume.

There were little games with prizes
Grandma Jo Jo helping Ella with the spider craft
And cupcakes!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tennesse Travels

Yes, we are alive!
Ella and I actually ended up staying in Tennessee Sat to Monday afternoon. With the time change she was up everyday by 5am and had a hard time napping. She did absolutely amazing in the car. The way there she stayed up the entire time with 0 complaints. The way home she slept about an hour and had about 40 minutes of crying but did great the rest of the way. It was so nice to see Reba, Whittney, and Reba's entire family. I was glad I finally got to see where she lives and works and to just enjoy each other's company.
Sunday we had a picnic at Arrington Vineyards. The property is gorgeous and tons of families came to picnic.

Jazz Band
Checking out the grapevines

Being goofy with Reba's sister Sarah
Since we got back from Tennessee, Ella has been sleeping til 830 each day and taking three hour naps. I hope this new schedule sticks.
Thanks Reba and Whittney for having us and for being such great hosts! We love you both!