Tuesday, October 4, 2011


we celebrate three years of marriage. I feel like two minutes ago I was peeking through the window of the car at him stepping onto the bus on the way to our ceremony. I remember arriving at the ceremony and seeing in the distance a bunch of colorful flowers on the makeshift alter that I had not planned to be there. As my nephews walked me down the "aisle" I kept saying what are those? As I got closer and closer I noticed there were several vases of tulips, my favorite flower! I started tearing up as it occurred to me that Tom had brought them. As a surprise, knowing that they were my favorite flower. Knowing they were just what was needed to make the ceremony even more beautiful. Those flowers represent to me the path our relationship has taken over time. When Tom and I began hanging out five years ago, it was strictly platonic. Quickly we found that we truly enjoyed spending time together. We literally spent hours laughing over the most bizarre and ridiculous things. We began spending more and more time together while at the same time attempting to deny our love for each other. Finally after several months we could no longer deny that love,I blinked and now here we are three years into our marriage.
Just like our love, the tulips were such a special surprise on the day we wed. They completed the ceremony. That is how our love is for me over and over. Like the tulips, our love is exactly what I had never knew I needed and our love completes me.

I dont remember ever feeling as beautiful as I did on my wedding day. That's exactly how it is supposed to be though.

We celebrated the day with our closest friends and family. We truly have the best friends and family in the world and the day would not have been the same without them. Unfortunately many of our friends and family that attended live throughout the state and a majority are spread out across the United States. We wish that we could see all of you on a much more regular basis.

When I think of where we were three years ago, I am very proud of the people we have become, the parents we have become, and the marriage we’ve built. We’ve made something beautiful together and more importantly from our love we created Ella. Nothing could teach us more about each other, life, and love than Ella. Seeing yourself and the love of your life living in the eyes of your child is the most amazing miracle of all.

I could not have asked for a better husband. Tom is the most hardworking, loving, hilarious person and he does it all for his family. He is the best father I could have ever imagined for Ella. When I see him with her it makes me love him even more.

We have cried, we have laughed, we have yelled, we have gone to bed mad, we have not spoken, we have surprised each other, let each other down, lifted each other up, we have taken it one day at a time and in the end it has made our love stronger and made us better parents. There are days that I feel like the luckiest girl alive and there are days that I want to strangle him. Not unlike parenting, marriage is one of the hardest but most rewarding thing there is. We have many bridges to still cross but at the end of the day we love each other and we are a team.

Happy three years Tom! I love you with all my heart and here's to the next 70!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away"

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