Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tennesse Travels

Yes, we are alive!
Ella and I actually ended up staying in Tennessee Sat to Monday afternoon. With the time change she was up everyday by 5am and had a hard time napping. She did absolutely amazing in the car. The way there she stayed up the entire time with 0 complaints. The way home she slept about an hour and had about 40 minutes of crying but did great the rest of the way. It was so nice to see Reba, Whittney, and Reba's entire family. I was glad I finally got to see where she lives and works and to just enjoy each other's company.
Sunday we had a picnic at Arrington Vineyards. The property is gorgeous and tons of families came to picnic.

Jazz Band
Checking out the grapevines

Being goofy with Reba's sister Sarah
Since we got back from Tennessee, Ella has been sleeping til 830 each day and taking three hour naps. I hope this new schedule sticks.
Thanks Reba and Whittney for having us and for being such great hosts! We love you both!

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