Monday, October 3, 2011

Cooking with my cutie

Last week Nicole brought us a zucchini from her dad's garden. Ella and I decided we would make zucchini chocolate chipp cookies with it yesterday. I have baked breads and cobbler but this is literally my first time baking cookies from scratch without my mom's assistance.
My little helper who stated "I love baking cookies, this is fun"
Pouring in the sugar
Pouring in the flour
By far the worst part was grating the zucchini
The dough after zucchini added
Batter with chocolate chips added
Ready for oven
Finished product
They actually turned out pretty good. They made a ton! I had to adjust the baking time after the first couple batches but we ended up with plenty

Ella and I have been trying new recipes to change things up a bit. Tonight we decided to make something different. A skillet meal with chicken, maple bacon, potatoes, apples, peppers, and onion. It turned out delicious!

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