Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we went to my mom's side of the family for their huge gathering.

Of course it was a packed house

Ella helped with the women's ornament exchange

One of my cousins played Santa this year. Santa makes a yearly visit to the Paul family gathering to drop off gifts to the kids.
Ella waiting for her gift from Santa

Ella was so excited to see Santa and ran right up to him. Before he made his appearance, she spent the entire evening running around telling everyone she saw that Santa was going to be coming. Even after he gave her a gift, she continued to want to go up and talk to him

Playing with her new toy from Santa

Ella had a blast playing with all of her cousins. I loved seeing her have so much fun. It really made this one of the best Christmas Eve's ever.

She changed into her Christmas pj's before the night was over

Ella ran, laughed and played the entire night without one single moment of grumpiness (not an exaggeration) even with being up three and half hours past her bedtime. I loved seeing the joy and excitement on her face about her cousins, the party, Santa and it being "almost Christmas". I would say it was a very successful Christmas Eve.

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