Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The many faces of Ella

Saturday was such a beautiful day so Ella and I headed to the park with the camera in hand. While we were walking Ella said she wanted me to take pictures of her faces. She is really big into emotions and both expressing them as well as showing you what they look like. Rarely does she volunteer for a photo shoot so I was all about going along with her plan.
She told me this was surprised

She said this was her mean face

this is happy

these next two are scared and I have to admit she is right on


this she stated is her silly face

I love her hands. I love to see them working, clapping, getting into things. They remind me that she is still so little and new and that just like everyone else, she is only trying to find her way in this world

I love this picture of her so deep in thought

And since she started gymnastics, she feels the need to make just about anything into a balance beam

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