Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Perfect Advent Calendar

We started a new tradition with Ella tonight. I have been searching high and low for the perfect advent calendar for our family to use year after year. I came across this idea and absolutely fell in love.

*We collected 25 Christmas themed books. Grandma Joyce purchased several, I got the remaining at Half Price Books and the Library
*Wrap the books and place under the tree
*Starting Dec 1, and each night following, Ella will unwrap a book from under the tree
*Read the book! Books are a huge part of our family so this advent calendar seemed perfect

Its quite a feat to gather, purchase, and wrap 25 books; however, this is a tradition we can carry on for years and years. Of course a few books that are too babyish will have to be switched out over time, but most I got will be appropriate for the long haul.

While I was home sick yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time wrapping the books

and of course had to photo document the entire process

And since today was Dec 1, we now have

Ella was so excited to open her first book tonight and yelled "Curious George" the minute she saw the cover

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