Friday, December 2, 2011

Ho Ho Ho

My mom and I took Ella to see Santa at Kenwood Mall last week. I was worried that she would hate him like last year; however, she absolutely loved him. She ran right up to him, got on his lap, and was looking him in the eye while she told him what she wanted for Christmas. For some reason she keeps saying "socks and lots of toys". I think her opinion of him has changed in that she really understands that Christmas is coming and that there will be presents. Heck she even told the heat pump guy the other day "It will be Christmas you know and Santa will bring presents and there will be snow". Last year I was not sure that I wanted to do the whole Santa thing with her. I dont like the whole making up a story along with I dont like the idea of give, give, give me presents. In our society, the whole Santa thing is inevitable. Heck as a two year old who doesnt go anywhere but our house and the sitters, she figured Santa out all on her own. So I guess we just ride out the Santa train til she figures out he is not real

I am so excited about all the Holiday and Christmas things to do with Ella and as a family. A few we have already accomplished but we have many more to experience. Here is our list:

*decorate the tree
*visit Santa
*breakfast with Santa
*gingerbread house
*elf on the shelf-in progress
*advent calendar-in progress
*make homemade ornaments with Ella
*drive or walk around looking at Christmas lights
*Ella's first hot chocolate
*watch Christmas movies-watched many and many more to come
*bake cookies
*watch Santa repel from the building downtown with fireworks and story by Mrs Claus
*Christmas cards
*hang stockings

And of course we will be adding to the list.

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