Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here's to heading into a new year

Today Grandma JoJo and Steve came over for Christmas. I made my meatballs (sausage, beef, onion, rice, garlic) in cabbage, sauerkraut, tomato juice, etc. A New Years Tradition. We had lunch, exchanged gifts, and relaxed.
Ella kept Grandma and Steve on their toes with games of hide and seek, playdoh, board games, a walk, etc.

Every time Grandma JoJo comes, Ella has to get in her truck and hang out and listen to music

After a chilly walk

Tonight, like each year since I got pregnant with Ella, we are taking it easy. We listened to music, played with toys, drew on the easel, and Ella even got treated to popcorn.

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