Monday, April 30, 2012

A big day at BK!

We had our open house at Behaven Kids on 4/19/12. We had around 50 people attend from the community from the chamber, area mental health providers, family, daycare providers, school districts, etc. We had our ribbon cutting, several speeches, and mingling.

Me, my program coordinator Megan, and staff member Pae

The founders of Behaven Kids, Janie and Roger

My boss getting emotional, she does that a lot

Listening to yet another speech

Finally cutting the ribbon

My two, wonderful, floor staff girls, Tara and Pae

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Worn out on Wednesday

This morning my day started with drinking this wonderful, sugary drink (yuck, its nasty)

For my glucose challenge to screen for gestational diabetes. Im sure I will not here back for a few days about if I need to do the 3 hour screen. Last pregnancy I ended up having to do the 3 hour screen and fortunately tested negative for gestational diabetes.

Then before I headed to work I had a great breakfast date at Starbucks with my favorite girl.

On Friday I will be 28 weeks pregnant.

That means I hit the third trimester last week!
I am definitely starting to feel it. While I am not at the super uncomfortable stage, I can feel it creeping up on me. Being the mother of a busy toddler as well as the type of work I do with long hours I can really feel it. I have to admit that my job and the kids behavior today completely kicked my ass. I went back to the doctor on Monday and he recommended I drink at least 100oz of water a day. I am trying to keep up with that but with the way today went, I have to say I failed. The excessive swelling in my last pregnancy hit right around 28 weeks (need to look up exact date) so Im beginning to get paranoid and hoping it doesnt happen this pregnancy.

-so far Ive gained 11 pounds total
-pelvic and back pain, esp after sitting for extended time
-still sleeping but its getting more and more uncomfortable
-its getting harder to pick up, carry around, and hold Ella
-bending over is getting more difficult

I scheduled a 4d ultrasound for May 5! Im so excited. We didnt have one with Ella. I cant wait to see this baby's face clearly! We have invited both grandma's to come along.

And while its only 820 on a Wednesday, Im going to bed. This mama is pooped!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Where does all the time go?

I am so far behind on blogging but I honestly do not have the time or energy to do it lately.
Last week I worked three thirteen hour days plus my normal day the other two. Ill put some pictures up of my work open house soon.

On Friday night, Tom and I went on a date for the first time in over six months. We started off with dinner downtown at Jeff Ruby's. The service was absolutely spectacular. I've never had service that outstanding. The salads, steak, and potatoes were phenomenal as well.
We then walked over to the Aronoff Center for an evening with Jon Stewart. Tom is who typically enjoys the satire of Jon Stewart, I have to admit, his show was hilarious.  Thanks Grandma Joyce for staying with Ella so we could enjoy an evening out!
Before heading out

Saturday I ended up in the hospital for five hours. After the show Friday night I was having a lot of cramping and pain. I figured Id try to sleep it off but the cramping lasted through the night and morning. I finally called my OB in the morning who recommended I go into Labor and Delivery Triage. After running some test they came to the conclusion I was dehydrated and more than likely exhausted and overworked from last week. I chugged a ton of water at the hospital and will continue to for the remainder of this pregnancy. Luckily my mom was in town and able to watch Ella while we were at the hospital and while I got some rest at home.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was one of those really great weekends. Toddlerhood can often be extremely difficult, especially when pregnant. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love this age and feel like we have our routine down, yet at times, it has it's challenges.

Yesterday morning Ella and I decided to try out Jump & Jacks. We absolutely loved it. Its a million times better than Run, Jump, and Play. Its a huge HUGE indoor place set that takes up floor to ceiling in a warehouse. There's tunnels, bridges, slides, balls, you name it they got it. Ella had a blast and I enjoyed it as well but I have to say that climbing through all that becomes quite exhausting at 26 weeks pregnant.

Last night Tom, Ella, and I headed to Iron Chef for sushi and hibachi. Ella behaves for the most part in restaurants but typically becomes impatient and ready to go. Last night, she was a dream. Seriously. She behaved better in the restaurant than she ever has. She sat, she talked with us, she loved watching the hibachi grill, and ate a ton of dinner. It was refreshing, really.

Today after breaksfast we all chipped in to clean the house. Thats right, all of us. Ella helped pick up her toys, Tom vacuumed, while I tackled the rest. Grandma Jo Jo arrived and her and Ella headed to the park where she spent hours digging in the dirt, playing with kids, and completely exhausting herself. The grocery shopping, cleaning, and most the laundry was done by 11am! I walked the dog, sat down with a book for a few, and even went and got my haircut. After Ella woke from nap and had a snack we headed outside for more digging in the dirt and blowing bubbles.

And since bath we've eaten dinner and are watching a movie, dreading that tomorrow is already monday

Saturday, April 14, 2012

26 weeks

I cannot believe in three short months the baby will be here! I feel so disorganized this time and we are not even close to ready!

The baby has been been so active with lots of strong movement-take that anterior placenta! I feel her most frequently at in the evening/early night. Probably cause thats pretty much the only time of day Im sitting still. Also if you touch my stomach she starts kicking or if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom she wakes and starts kicking. She's super sensitive to my movement or even if become startled by something, she will instantly start kicking.

Ella still talks about the baby on a daily basis and frequently wants to look at and touch my stomach. Last night I was laying in bed with her before sleep and she said "what do you think her name will be?" I said Im not sure yet. She said "I like Dora". Then she says "What do you think she'll look like, will she be green or purple?" lol

Ive started thinking a lot about this baby. What she will look like, who she will look like, what her temperament will be like. I am both excited and sad for her arrival. Im sad and scared for Ella to no longer be an only child. Things cross my mind like how will I have enough love in my heart for two children and how will I find the time to let both of my girls know how absolutely special they are to me. I feel like I need ten more years with Ella before Ill be ready for a second child. I feel like we are in such a groove with our lives and our routines and I know that's all about to go to hell. Yet at the end of the day I see how much she LOVES babies and other children and how excited she is to be a big sister. At the end of the day I see just how much I love this amazing little girl and what joy she brings to my life. And at the end of the day as I kiss her goodnight, climb into bed and feel this little baby kick, I realize I already do love her as much as Ella and it has all worked out for the best.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Ella and I headed up to Botkins on Saturday morning for Easter weekend.

Ella got to enjoy her first Kewpee burger

Then we headed over to my sisters for Ella to color eggs with Emma. Ella was surprised with her very own Easter basket of goodies from Emma. Thanks Kirk, Tonia, and Emma for thinking of Ella!

Ella had colored eggs at the sitters earlier in the week and lost interest after about three eggs. Until...the stickers were brought out

My mom had previously bought Emma and Ella matching outfits. Emma had asked to both put them on and for me to take some pictures

And of course jump on the trampoline

Emma painted Ella's toe nails

With lots more playing outside

On Sunday I literally did not take one picture with my good camera. Even though Ella looked absolutely beautiful in her Easter outfit. We went to church in the morning with my mom, Kirk, Tonia, Emma, and Alex. The church even had a mini petting zoo set up in the 2 year old classroom!

Baby bunny in the petting zoo

My beautiful Easter basket from my mom

Ella had so much fun playing with all her cousins at our big family Easter dinner on Sunday afternoon.
After that it was time to head home and see daddy who spent the weekend slaving away on a 22 page paper for school

Monday, April 2, 2012

Light It Up Blue

April is Autism Awareness month and April 2nd has been declared World Autism Awareness Day. Light It Up Blue, in its third year, is a unique global initiative by Autism Speaks to help raise awareness about the growing public health concern that is autism. Iconic landmarks around the world will Light It Up Blue to show their support on April 2, 2012 - World Autism Awareness Day.
Just last week the CDC announced that the number has changed to a shocking 1 in 88 children are on the autism spectrum. This is a 1000 percent increase in the last 40 years.

So to help in raising awareness, we got our blue light bulb from Home Depot on Sunday.

Ella asked me why we were getting a blue light bulb. Explaining autism to a 2 year old is quite the feat. So I said to her that we will think about all the kids and people that are sick. I dont really like that description but its about as good as it gets with a two year old. I said that to her only once and yet each time the blue light bulb is brought up or she tells someone about it she says "Its to think about all the sick kids".

Tom put the light bulb in today and I already have it lit up for the night. (I just hope no one mistakes us for rooting for the UK game :)  I hope you have yours lit too.

Please take the time to gain awareness around autism, the facts, the symptoms, and what you can do to help.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Bunny Express

Today Ella and I met up with Nicole, Madeline, and Allison at the Lebanon Mason Monroe Railroad for the Easter Bunny Express. They offer several child themed events throughout the year.

A little history:
The train runs along the right-of-way of the Cincinnati, Lebanon & Northern (CL&N) Railroad, a historic passenger and freight line that began operation in 1881 with narrow gauge rail spacing (thirty-six inches between the rails). Three years later it was rebuilt to standard gauge (56 ½ inches between the rails).The C,L & N was later acquired by the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) that operated both freight and passenger trains over the line between Dayton and Cincinnati. The passenger service over this line was primarily commuter trains that took people who lived in Warren County to jobs in Blue Ash, Norwood, Cincinnati and Dayton. The PRR discontinued Cincinnati passenger service over this line in 1931 after the opening of Cincinnati Union Terminal. Continuity of the original right-of-way between Lebanon and Cincinnati was broken when interstate highway I-71 was constructed during the 1960’s. Segments of the original CL&N/PRR trackage are still in operation today. The LM&M’s track from Lebanon to Hageman Junction is currently owned by the city of Lebanon. While the I&O continues to operate freight over the entire line, the LM&M has trackage rights to operate passenger trains.

We boarded the train for the 4.4 mile ride (approx 30 min) to go meet up with the Easter Bunny

The conductors punched Ella's ticket once we were seated

Ella just kicked backed and relaxed and watched out the window for the trip there

We arrived at picnic grove

And waited in line for the egg hunt

Then we were off to hunt for eggs!

Ella found a golden egg with a ticket for a future train ride

And ended up with a full basket of eggs

The last stop was the Easter Bunny before hopping back on the train.

All Aboard!!

Ella enjoyed all of her candy and goodies in her eggs on the train ride back.

Of course she had to tell Tom all about the adventure when we got home (poor daddy was stuck at home studying). I loved hearing her finish her story by saying "It was so much fun daddy"