Monday, April 2, 2012

Light It Up Blue

April is Autism Awareness month and April 2nd has been declared World Autism Awareness Day. Light It Up Blue, in its third year, is a unique global initiative by Autism Speaks to help raise awareness about the growing public health concern that is autism. Iconic landmarks around the world will Light It Up Blue to show their support on April 2, 2012 - World Autism Awareness Day.
Just last week the CDC announced that the number has changed to a shocking 1 in 88 children are on the autism spectrum. This is a 1000 percent increase in the last 40 years.

So to help in raising awareness, we got our blue light bulb from Home Depot on Sunday.

Ella asked me why we were getting a blue light bulb. Explaining autism to a 2 year old is quite the feat. So I said to her that we will think about all the kids and people that are sick. I dont really like that description but its about as good as it gets with a two year old. I said that to her only once and yet each time the blue light bulb is brought up or she tells someone about it she says "Its to think about all the sick kids".

Tom put the light bulb in today and I already have it lit up for the night. (I just hope no one mistakes us for rooting for the UK game :)  I hope you have yours lit too.

Please take the time to gain awareness around autism, the facts, the symptoms, and what you can do to help.

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