Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Ella and I headed up to Botkins on Saturday morning for Easter weekend.

Ella got to enjoy her first Kewpee burger

Then we headed over to my sisters for Ella to color eggs with Emma. Ella was surprised with her very own Easter basket of goodies from Emma. Thanks Kirk, Tonia, and Emma for thinking of Ella!

Ella had colored eggs at the sitters earlier in the week and lost interest after about three eggs. Until...the stickers were brought out

My mom had previously bought Emma and Ella matching outfits. Emma had asked to both put them on and for me to take some pictures

And of course jump on the trampoline

Emma painted Ella's toe nails

With lots more playing outside

On Sunday I literally did not take one picture with my good camera. Even though Ella looked absolutely beautiful in her Easter outfit. We went to church in the morning with my mom, Kirk, Tonia, Emma, and Alex. The church even had a mini petting zoo set up in the 2 year old classroom!

Baby bunny in the petting zoo

My beautiful Easter basket from my mom

Ella had so much fun playing with all her cousins at our big family Easter dinner on Sunday afternoon.
After that it was time to head home and see daddy who spent the weekend slaving away on a 22 page paper for school

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