Sunday, April 22, 2012

Where does all the time go?

I am so far behind on blogging but I honestly do not have the time or energy to do it lately.
Last week I worked three thirteen hour days plus my normal day the other two. Ill put some pictures up of my work open house soon.

On Friday night, Tom and I went on a date for the first time in over six months. We started off with dinner downtown at Jeff Ruby's. The service was absolutely spectacular. I've never had service that outstanding. The salads, steak, and potatoes were phenomenal as well.
We then walked over to the Aronoff Center for an evening with Jon Stewart. Tom is who typically enjoys the satire of Jon Stewart, I have to admit, his show was hilarious.  Thanks Grandma Joyce for staying with Ella so we could enjoy an evening out!
Before heading out

Saturday I ended up in the hospital for five hours. After the show Friday night I was having a lot of cramping and pain. I figured Id try to sleep it off but the cramping lasted through the night and morning. I finally called my OB in the morning who recommended I go into Labor and Delivery Triage. After running some test they came to the conclusion I was dehydrated and more than likely exhausted and overworked from last week. I chugged a ton of water at the hospital and will continue to for the remainder of this pregnancy. Luckily my mom was in town and able to watch Ella while we were at the hospital and while I got some rest at home.

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